know me better

“Human rights are women’s rights and women’s rights are human rights.”

— Hillary Rodham Clinton

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.”

- Walt Disney



I want to live in a world where all women have access to the education and the healthcare they deserve. I believe that every woman has the right to live a life of their own making. Throughout my career I have put this personal mission first. I’m deeply proud to have used my talents to promote reproductive rights and menstrual hygiene through my work at Planned Parenthood, Power to Decide, and now at Thinx.



I feel most alive when traveling. Traveling resets my brain and sparks my creativity. Every new experience is a chance to learn, to expand, and to challenge myself to adapt to change. I enjoy the more gritty ways to travel; I like to feel as entrenched as possible in the local culture and history. As a former anthropologist, I find it fascinating how, around the globe, humans are fundamentally different and yet essentially similar.



I’ve been swing dancing for 3.5 years. Swing dancing is a fun challenge because you must actively listen to and respond to your partner, think creatively, and move confidently together with the music, your partner, and the culture of the dance. I see swing as an extension of how one connects to and moves through the world. If I’m swing dancing, I’m smiling.



Discerning the ‘why’ behind another person’s beliefs and actions - understanding what motivates a person - has always fascinated me. In my career, I’ve been able to use that natural fascination to empathize and help others. From understanding how Nigerian teens view sexual health, to how parents approach sex ed, to how people relate to periods and birth control, I learn from people so I can help organizations deliver impactful change.


interested in working together?

I’m always looking for opportunities to use my skills to do good in the world. Whether you’re looking for a highly skilled researcher or strategic digital product leader, I’m happy to discuss how I can help you.